
Thursday, January 29, 2009

A repost from 12/08/2007 ~ Thoughts and musings on the Power of Words

I added some. It is in red

Sometimes I think
that we don't know, or we forget, the power of those little things we string together to form sentences. They can bring a smile to someone's face or a tear to their eye. Also, what isn't said can sometimes be just as powerful; mainly hurtful. The forgotten "I Love You" all the way down to saying nothing at all.

What really sucks is when you say something and it is
misunderstood. When I say something, it is only meant in a good way. When I offer advice, albeit unsolicited, it is not in a malicious manner. You can mean well and .....


I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.


Henry Brooks Adams said

"No man means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous."

What got me started thinking on this? It was lyrics I heard from the song "Sing For The Moment" by Eminem.

"Yet everybody just feels like they can relate, I guess words are a mothafucka they can be great. Or they can degrate, or even worse they can teach hate''

Surprisingly profound. *note "degrade" was intentionally misspelled to rhyme*

What got me re-thinking about the power of words? Things. Mainly, I posted a blog last night, which after some thought I deleted. It sounded cryptic, which was not my intention at all. Words can bring you up or down for sure. Certain words can bring you down even further. Take my word for it.

How powerful do you think words are?

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