
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New outlook on life.


I have decided to change my outlook on life. As of late, I have been seeing the bottle as half empty instead of half full. I may not have everything I wish for; I may look and want what others have and I don't. Truth be told, it is wearing me out. I have many things to be grateful for. I have a mother and family who love me, friends (you know who you are) who have been there for me and who I love, a roof over my head, a career that I absolutely love, a garden where flowers are blooming and my sagos and other green plants are showing new growth, a new car, and the list goes on. So from now on, I will have a positive attitude when it comes to life. Maybe not all the time, but I'm going to give it a 110%.


So here's to annoying you all. LOL. Kev®


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