This weeks subject is Beauty.
Merriam-Webster's defines Beauty as:
1 : the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : loveliness
- a woman of great physical beauty
- exploring the natural beauty of the island
- A thing of beauty is a joy forever. John Keats
2 : a beautiful person or thing
- His new car's a real beauty.
- especially : a beautiful woman
- She was a great beauty in her day.
3 : a particularly graceful, ornamental, or excellent quality
- Well, at any rate, he had two great beauties—the pale flat white of his skin and his great shaggy mass of dark hair.— Dorothy C. Fisher
4 : a brilliant, extreme, or egregious example or instance
- caught a couple of beauties on our last fishing trip
- that mistake was a beauty
In my opinion, beauty is not on the outside, but inner beauty is what I find most attractive.
And now some pics and quotes on Beauty...