After a couple weeks of not writing the "quote blogs", I'm back with one. The subject this week for the GBE is Temptation. We all know what that is because we all have been "enticed to do wrong by promise of pleasure or gain."
This first quote is a favorite of mine. I hope you enjoy.
Find out what your temptations are, and you will find out largely what you are yourself. ~ Henry Ward Beecher
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. ~ Bible Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. ~ Bible God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. ~ Bible
Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity. ~ George Bernard Shaw Terrible is the temptation to be good. ~ Bertolt Brecht Temptation is the fire that brings up the scum of the heart. ~ Thomas BostonThe devil tempts us not--'tis we tempt him, Reckoning his skill with opportunity. ~ George Eliot
I may not here omit those two main plagues, and common dotages of human kind, wine and women, which have infatuated and besotted myriads of people: they go commonly together. ~ Robert Burton Why comes temptation but for man to meet And master and make crouch beneath his foot, And so be pedestaled in triumph? ~ Robert Browning So you tell yourself you are pretty find clay To have tricked temptation and turned it away, But wait, my friend, for a different day; Wait till you want to want to! ~ Edmund Vance Cooke
Temptations are a file which rub off much of the rust of self-confidence.~ Francois de Salignac Fenelon Many a dangerous temptation comes to us in fine gay colours that are but skin-deep. ~ Matthew (Mathew) Henry Honest bread is very well--it's the butter that makes the temptation. ~ Douglas Jerrold
But Satan now is wiser than of yore, And tempts by making rich, not making poor. ~ Alexander Pope But something may be done that we will not; And sometimes we are devils to ourselves When we will tempt the frailty of our powers, Presuming on their changeful potency. ~ William Shakespeare Devils soonest tempt, resembling spirits of light. ~ William Shakespeare
The difference between those whom the world esteems as good and those whom it condemns as bad, is in many cases little else than that the former have been better sheltered from temptation.~ Augustus William Hare 'Tis one thing to be tempted, another thing to fall. ~ William Shakespeare Temptations, like misfortunes, are sent to test our moral strength. ~ Marguerite de Valois
Tempt not a desperate man. ~ William Shakespeare I never resist temptation, because I have found that things that are bad for me do not tempt me. ~ William Shakespeare Let a man be but in earnest in praying against a temptation as the tempter is in pressing it, and he needs not proceed by a surer measure. ~ William Shakespeare
There are several good protections against temptations, but the surest is cowardice. ~ Mark Twain Better shun the bait than struggle in the snare. ~ John Dryden Temptation is an irresistible force at work on a moveable body. ~ H. L. Mencken
Things forbidden have a secret charm. ~ Tacitus As the Sandwich-Islander believes that the strength and valor of the enemy he kills passes into himself, so we gain the strength of the temptations we resist. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself. ~ Oscar Wilde
Temptation rarely comes in working hours. It is in their leisure hours that men are made or marred. ~ W. M. Taylor He who cannot resist temptation is not a man.... Whoever yields to temptation debases himself with a debasement from which he can never arise. ~ Horace Mann I can resist anything except temptation. ~ Oscar Wilde
I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it. ~ Mae West Do you really think ... that it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations that it requires strength, strength and courage, to yield to. To stake all one's life on a single moment, to risk everything on one throw, whether the stake be power or pleasure, I care not -- there is no weakness in that. ~ Oscar Wilde Many people genuinely do not wish to be saints, and it is probable that some who achieve or aspire to sainthood have never felt much temptation to be human beings. If one could follow it to its psychological roots, one would, I believe, find that the main motive for "non-attachment" is a desire to escape from the pain of living, and above all from love, which, sexual or non-sexual, is hard work. ~ George Orwell
A vacant mind invites dangerous inmates, as a deserted mansion tempts wandering outcasts to enter and take up their abode in its desolate apartments. ~ George Stillman Hillard It is ... no doubt, true that thought will not at once produce wisdom. It may almost be a question whether such wisdom as many of us have in our mature years has not come from the dying out of the power of temptation, rather than as the results of thought and resolution. ~ Anthony Trollope Temptations are as thick as the leaves of the forest, and no one can be out of the reach of temptation unless he is dead. The great thing is to make people intelligent enough and strong enough, not to keep away from temptation, but to resist it. ~ Robert G. Ingersoll
There's a girl trying to steal my heart and I'm tempted Even though she can tear it apart, I'm tempted. ~ Marty Stuart ~ Tempted It's time to love. It's time to hate. It's comin' face to face tryin' to desecrate. No time at all, to break away. Temptation still got a hold on me. ~ Godsmack ~ Temptation Tempted by the fruit of another Tempted but the truth is discovered Whats been going on Now that you have gone Theres no other. ~ Squeeze ~ Tempted ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my submission to the GBE. This week's topic is "Temptation." The GBE, or Group Blogging Experience is great fun. Each week (usually on Tuesday) we are given a general topic by our fearless leader Alicia and we have until that Saturday to blog about it. Say whatever you want. Silly, serious, true, fiction, debate.... whatever. It's up to you. If your interested justgo to Alicia's Blog and and check it out. If you want to participate comment her blog saying "I'm in", that's it. No big sign up or anything. You blog and she'll link to your blog and everyone else's on Saturday. Make sure you're not private though. So that everyone can read your blog.
This first quote is a favorite of mine. I hope you enjoy.
Find out what your temptations are, and you will find out largely what you are yourself. ~ Henry Ward Beecher
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. ~ Bible Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. ~ Bible God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. ~ Bible
Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity. ~ George Bernard Shaw Terrible is the temptation to be good. ~ Bertolt Brecht Temptation is the fire that brings up the scum of the heart. ~ Thomas BostonThe devil tempts us not--'tis we tempt him, Reckoning his skill with opportunity. ~ George Eliot
I may not here omit those two main plagues, and common dotages of human kind, wine and women, which have infatuated and besotted myriads of people: they go commonly together. ~ Robert Burton Why comes temptation but for man to meet And master and make crouch beneath his foot, And so be pedestaled in triumph? ~ Robert Browning So you tell yourself you are pretty find clay To have tricked temptation and turned it away, But wait, my friend, for a different day; Wait till you want to want to! ~ Edmund Vance Cooke
Temptations are a file which rub off much of the rust of self-confidence.~ Francois de Salignac Fenelon Many a dangerous temptation comes to us in fine gay colours that are but skin-deep. ~ Matthew (Mathew) Henry Honest bread is very well--it's the butter that makes the temptation. ~ Douglas Jerrold
But Satan now is wiser than of yore, And tempts by making rich, not making poor. ~ Alexander Pope But something may be done that we will not; And sometimes we are devils to ourselves When we will tempt the frailty of our powers, Presuming on their changeful potency. ~ William Shakespeare Devils soonest tempt, resembling spirits of light. ~ William Shakespeare
The difference between those whom the world esteems as good and those whom it condemns as bad, is in many cases little else than that the former have been better sheltered from temptation.~ Augustus William Hare 'Tis one thing to be tempted, another thing to fall. ~ William Shakespeare Temptations, like misfortunes, are sent to test our moral strength. ~ Marguerite de Valois
Tempt not a desperate man. ~ William Shakespeare I never resist temptation, because I have found that things that are bad for me do not tempt me. ~ William Shakespeare Let a man be but in earnest in praying against a temptation as the tempter is in pressing it, and he needs not proceed by a surer measure. ~ William Shakespeare
There are several good protections against temptations, but the surest is cowardice. ~ Mark Twain Better shun the bait than struggle in the snare. ~ John Dryden Temptation is an irresistible force at work on a moveable body. ~ H. L. Mencken
Things forbidden have a secret charm. ~ Tacitus As the Sandwich-Islander believes that the strength and valor of the enemy he kills passes into himself, so we gain the strength of the temptations we resist. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself. ~ Oscar Wilde
Temptation rarely comes in working hours. It is in their leisure hours that men are made or marred. ~ W. M. Taylor He who cannot resist temptation is not a man.... Whoever yields to temptation debases himself with a debasement from which he can never arise. ~ Horace Mann I can resist anything except temptation. ~ Oscar Wilde
I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it. ~ Mae West Do you really think ... that it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations that it requires strength, strength and courage, to yield to. To stake all one's life on a single moment, to risk everything on one throw, whether the stake be power or pleasure, I care not -- there is no weakness in that. ~ Oscar Wilde Many people genuinely do not wish to be saints, and it is probable that some who achieve or aspire to sainthood have never felt much temptation to be human beings. If one could follow it to its psychological roots, one would, I believe, find that the main motive for "non-attachment" is a desire to escape from the pain of living, and above all from love, which, sexual or non-sexual, is hard work. ~ George Orwell
A vacant mind invites dangerous inmates, as a deserted mansion tempts wandering outcasts to enter and take up their abode in its desolate apartments. ~ George Stillman Hillard It is ... no doubt, true that thought will not at once produce wisdom. It may almost be a question whether such wisdom as many of us have in our mature years has not come from the dying out of the power of temptation, rather than as the results of thought and resolution. ~ Anthony Trollope Temptations are as thick as the leaves of the forest, and no one can be out of the reach of temptation unless he is dead. The great thing is to make people intelligent enough and strong enough, not to keep away from temptation, but to resist it. ~ Robert G. Ingersoll
There's a girl trying to steal my heart and I'm tempted Even though she can tear it apart, I'm tempted. ~ Marty Stuart ~ Tempted It's time to love. It's time to hate. It's comin' face to face tryin' to desecrate. No time at all, to break away. Temptation still got a hold on me. ~ Godsmack ~ Temptation Tempted by the fruit of another Tempted but the truth is discovered Whats been going on Now that you have gone Theres no other. ~ Squeeze ~ Tempted ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my submission to the GBE. This week's topic is "Temptation." The GBE, or Group Blogging Experience is great fun. Each week (usually on Tuesday) we are given a general topic by our fearless leader Alicia and we have until that Saturday to blog about it. Say whatever you want. Silly, serious, true, fiction, debate.... whatever. It's up to you. If your interested just
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